Tag: Tortured Hero/Heroine

Casket Case | Lauren Evans

Posted 05/05/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Casket Case | Lauren Evans
Star Rating: 3 Stars
Spice Level: 3 Flames
Published by Dell on 09/10/2024
Format: DRC (400 pages)
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Casket Case is one part exploration of grief, two parts romantic comedy, a dash of self-discovery, and a heavy helping of magical realism. Its unique and intriguing premise captures your attention, but its execution falls short, preventing it from being a higher rated read. Despite its flaws, it has a certain charm that keeps you invested in the story and curious about what comes next. After her parents’ death, Nora reluctantly returns to her teeny tiny hometown of Rabbittown, Alabama, to run Rabbittown Casket Company, her family’s casket business. It’s not an easy or glamorous job, but somebody’s got […]

The Love of My Afterlife | Kirsty Greenwood

Posted 04/14/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Love of My Afterlife | Kirsty Greenwood
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 3.5 Flames
Published by Berkley on 07/02/2024
Format: DRC (384 pages)
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Delphie Denise Bookham is dead. She never thought choking would lead to her demise, but here she is—done in by a cheap microwave hamburger. And to make matters worse? She’s dressed in her most atrocious pajamas—green fuzzy socks and a ratty t-shirt with a cartoon star saying, “Honey, it’s Time to Sparkle and Shine!” Things can’t get much worse, can they? Oh, they most certainly can. You see, Delphie is all alone (let’s be honest, she’s preferred it that way until this whole choking thing); she’s got The Tinder Swindler paused on her TV, and the lone browser tab she […]

The Veiled Kingdom | Holly Renee

Posted 03/31/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Veiled Kingdom | Holly Renee
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 3 Flames
Series: The Veiled Kingdom #1
Published by Independent Publisher on 03/19/2024
Format: Kindle (364 pages)
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The Kingdom of Mamoris is ruled by an evil king who covets magic and power. His firstborn and only child, Princess Verena, is the sole heir to Mamoris’ throne. But, despite the king’s many, and often abusive, attempts to draw out Verena’s magic, she remains powerless. When Verena turns ten and is still without magic, the king refuses to acknowledge her as his heir and locks her in one of the castle’s towers because a kingdom cannot be ruled without significant power. After many failed attempts at producing a worthy heir, the queen (Verena’s beloved mother) dies in […]

Come As You Are | Jess K. Hardy

Posted 03/24/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Come As You Are | Jess K. Hardy
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 3.5 Flames
Series: Bluebird Basin #1
Published by Pinkity Publishing on 11/01/2022
Format: Kindle (318 pages)
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Were you a 90s alternative kid? Do you like small-town feels, 90s grunge, flannel, a good mixed tape, one hell of an epic love story, and adorable St. Bernard puppies? How about a sexy 53-year-old guitar player with tattoos or a badass 46-year-old divorcee who owns a ski resort? No? Well then, we can’t be friends. An ex-rockstar and recovering addict—who now runs a sober living home—helps a divorced, single mom save her beloved ski resort from being bought by her asshole ex-husband.  That simple synopsis does NOT do this book justice. Because Jess Hardy created a relationship […]

Midnight Duet | Jen Comfort

Posted 03/21/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Midnight Duet | Jen Comfort
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Published by Montlake on 01/10/2023
Format: Kindle (347 pages)
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Erika Greene (Phantom reference #1) was once a Tony-nominated Broadway star, and playing Fantine in Les Misérables was her crowning achievement. A diva at heart, Erika loved performing. She loved being in the spotlight, she loved being adored by her fans, and she especially loved being the center of attention. But all that disappeared after a tragic accident left her face badly scarred (Phantom reference #2), her reputation ruined, and her career over. While Erika is recovering in the hospital, she learns she’s inherited an early-twentieth-century theater from her late grandmother, and it’s in Paris…Nevada. Feeling like a […]

Just Don’t Call Me Yours | Heather Garvin

Posted 03/14/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Just Don’t Call Me Yours | Heather Garvin
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 3.5 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Just Yours #1
Published by Tuskan Publishing on 03/15/2024
Format: DRC (315 pages)
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Well, color me shocked. I didn’t think I liked the rockstar romance trope, but apparently, I was very, VERY wrong.  Jackson Phillips may come off as a sarcastic, uncaring, rockstar playboy, but deep down, he’s a loyal, loving, tender-hearted teddy bear. And he loves to play the guitar—like, a lot. All Jackson wants is to be in a band and go on tour. However, Jackson’s dad thinks he’d be throwing his life away and vehemently disapproves of Jackson’s musical dreams. So Jackson is begrudgingly attending his first semester at the University of South Florida with his best friend, Matt. But […]

Rootbound | Tarah DeWitt

Posted 03/10/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Rootbound | Tarah DeWitt
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Published by St. Martin’s Griffin on 05/02/2023
Format: Kindle (336 pages)
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Tait and Henry’s relationship is so wholesome and healthy—from strangers to friends to lovers. I loved everything about them. Tait is creative, strong, and independent. Henry is patient, loyal, and gentile. Both carry baggage they’ve needed to put down for much too long. But this book is so much more than Tait and Henry’s romance. This book is about facing your fears, finding your footing, breaking through the limitations you’ve imposed on yourself, opening your heart, untangling your roots, and finally letting yourself grow. “When you buy a new plant, you often have to cut the roots when […]