Tag: Found Family

The Veiled Kingdom | Holly Renee

Posted 03/31/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Veiled Kingdom | Holly Renee
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 3 Flames
Series: The Veiled Kingdom #1
Published by Independent Publisher on 03/19/2024
Format: Kindle (364 pages)
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The Kingdom of Mamoris is ruled by an evil king who covets magic and power. His firstborn and only child, Princess Verena, is the sole heir to Mamoris’ throne. But, despite the king’s many, and often abusive, attempts to draw out Verena’s magic, she remains powerless. When Verena turns ten and is still without magic, the king refuses to acknowledge her as his heir and locks her in one of the castle’s towers because a kingdom cannot be ruled without significant power. After many failed attempts at producing a worthy heir, the queen (Verena’s beloved mother) dies in […]