Tag: Forced Proximity

Behind the Camera | Chelsea Curto

Posted 10/06/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Behind the Camera | Chelsea CurtoBehind the Camera by Chelsea Curto
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 5 Flames
Series: Love through a Lens #3
Also in this series: Camera Chemistry, Caught on Camera
Published by Independent Publisher on 03/19/2024
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy, Sports Romance
Format: Kindle (458 pages)
Source: Purchased
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Maven Wood is ready for a fresh start. After an injury on the soccer field leads to her dropping out of college, she needs a change.

When her godfatherā€“the coach of the hottest team in the NFLā€“tells her about an open position as a sports photographer, she jumps at the chance to apply. The pay is good, but it doesnā€™t cover her rent after her roommate moves out. Out of ideas, sheā€™s not sure how sheā€™s going to afford to make ends meetā€¦ until the cute kicker comes to her rescue.

Dallas Lansfield never thought heā€™d be a single dad, but heā€™s embracing the role as best as he can. With a four-year-old that has too much energy and not enough time on his hands, he needs help.


So when he hears that his coachā€™s goddaughter is looking for a way to make more money, he practically begs her to come be his nanny.

Maven and Dallas arenā€™t allowed to fall for each other. Getting involved with a player on the team is off-limits and a quick way to get fired. But what starts as a professional relationship turns into something deeper.

In front of people, theyā€™re colleagues. Behind the cameras, though, their attraction only grows. Late night talks turn into sharing a bed, and soon, Dallas would rather give up his career than give up the feelings he has for Maven.

He canā€™t have her. So why does he want her so damn bad?

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Those Two Words | Ronnie Mathews

Posted 09/05/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Those Two Words | Ronnie Mathews
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Sutton Bay #1
Published by Independent Publisher on 08/22/2024
Format: DRC (363 pages)
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This book wasĀ TOO. GOOD. Now, Iā€™m sure youā€™re wondering, ā€˜Hilarye, is that even possible?ā€™ Oh yes, my friend, it is. This book is meeting your soulmate and feeling seen for the first time good. Itā€™s slipping into a pair of jeans that makes your ass look fantastic and taking a sip of a perfectly made iced coffee good. Itā€™s drinking wine, eating cheese, and laughing until you cry with your best friend good. And itā€™s evenĀ (wait for it)Ā snuggling a pile of kittens good. Yup, kittensā€”this book isĀ THATĀ good.Ā  The story begins with Patrick and Johanna, childhood best friends who […]