Series: Starlight Studios

Starstruck | Ivy Dawes

Posted 05/02/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Starstruck | Ivy DawesStarstruck by Ivy Dawes
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Series: Starlight Studios #1
Published by Flower & Bear Books on 05/21/2024
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Format: DRC (328 pages)
Source: NetGalley
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Dropped by my acting agent? Check. Dumped by my crappy ex boyfriend? Check.

This was not what I envisioned when I moved to LA. So I’m starting at the bottom. Again. When I get a job as a PA on the set of an upcoming Starlight Studios movie, I am stuck catering to the whims of a has-been who treats me like dirt. It’s almost enough to make me reconsider this gig. That is until I meet a background actor who gives me butterflies and makes me feel like I’m alive again.

But looks can be deceiving. Especially when he is buried under layers of facial prosthetics and fake blood. Turns out he’s not a background actor at all. He’s James Everett, the film’s leading star. He’s smart, funny, ridiculously handsome, and everything I want.

Falling in love with a movie star? Check. But does that matter when the film studio is pushing him to enter a fake relationship with someone else?

I have money, fame, and now the leadership role I’ve dreamed of for years at Starlight Studios is finally within my grasp. As long as I stay in line. Anyone would want to be in my shoes. But despite what the public believes, being a part of the Everett family acting dynasty isn’t all award shows and accolades. People only look at me for what they can get from me. Roles, connections, even just being seen in public with me is enough to boost someone’s image in Hollywood. It’s exhausting.

Then, I run into Kat… literally. She’s fun, feisty, and beautiful inside and out. Instead of wanting me for my name, she wants me for who I am. And she’s starting to make me question my father’s actions and his control over my career. The only problem? In order to get that promotion at my family’s film studio, I have to sign a relationship contract… with someone else. What we have is a bright spot in my life, but is it about to be extinguished?

✨ Thank you to Flower & Bear Books, NetGalley, and of course, Ivy Dawes for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. ✨

Overall, this was a fantastic little love story. Kat and James were adorable together, and although I typically dislike a third-act breakup, the writing of this one was superb. It’s not a breakup as much as a “we need to work on ourselves independently before this relationship can work” situation. It’s much better than miscommunication or, even worse, not communicating at all. Kat and James approached challenges maturely and made relationship choices that set a solid foundation for the future. It was a breath of fresh air to read a romance novel featuring a “healthy” couple, as opposed to one that requires extensive couples therapy to stay together. 

I also have to say, when I read the synopsis—a love story about a PA falling in love with a movie star—I wasn’t expecting the story to be realistic or relatable. But I was pleasantly surprised. Kat’s and James’ struggles were both relatable and believable. They were downright normal. I loved how James stood up to his father, and Kat followed her dream of becoming an actress. I especially loved how they both became successful despite the verbally abusive and unsupportive people in their lives.

For a debut novel, Ivy hit this one out of the park. I can’t wait to read more of her work and watch her grow as an author!

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