Series: Oaks Sisters

Give Me Butterflies | Jillian Meadows

Posted 06/13/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Give Me Butterflies | Jillian MeadowsGive Me Butterflies by Jillian Meadows
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Series: Oaks Sisters #1
Published by Avon on 07/01/2023
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Format: Kindle (340 pages)
Source: Purchased
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Millie was never one to take the expected path. She's an entomologist who loves her job as a natural science curator, inspiring museum visitors every day. It's her dream to take a larger role in the planning of her department, so when a director position opens up, she is determined not to let anything distract her from her goals. Especially her grumpy coworker with his permanent scowl, electric blue eyes, and nerdy astronomy ties.

. . . Not that she’s spent much time noticing any of those things.

Finn doesn’t mean to glare at everyone, but he’s juggling his role at the museum, navigating the grief of losing his sister, attempting to make his nieces smile, and trying not to ruin dinner for the fifth night in a row. He can't afford to let anything slip, and certainly doesn't need anything more on his plate. Millie literally stumbling into him with her bright smile and sunny optimism, is the last thing he needs.

They want nothing to do with each other. But with Finn on the interview committee, avoidance is impossible. And Millie soon realizes it's one thing when a job is on the line. It's quite another when it's her heart.

Written review coming soon…

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