Genre: Young Adult

Eternal, Everywhere, With You | Sherry Rossman

Posted 02/11/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Eternal, Everywhere, With You | Sherry RossmanEternal, Everywhere, With You by Sherry Rossman
Star Rating: 2.5 Stars
Spice Level: 0 Flames
Published by Darwin House on 02/04/2024
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Magical Realism, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Time Travel Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Format: DRC (245 pages)
Source: NetGalley
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An ordinary town. A group of friends on the fringe. A house full of extraordinary secrets.

High School grads Dovie and Silas begin their summer with a shortcut and a wish. But what happens before they arrive home turns their world upside down. That same night, a stranger shows up at Dovie’s summer home, adding more questions to the mix. Supplied with a few peculiar clues to piece together, they quickly learn one very important thing:

Never wish upon a falling star.

Travel through time, suspicion and romance, as Dovie and Silas discover what lies beneath their own identities, and in the very dust of the earth.

✨ Thank you to Darwin House, NetGalley, and of course, Sherry Rossman for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. ✨

I have to say, I was immediately attracted to the cover of this book. It is absolutely gorgeous. I would hang that sucker on my wall in a heartbeat and call it art. 10/10 cover. Then I read the synopsis, and it sucked me in further. Totally sealed the deal. Time travel, romance, mystery, fantasy & memory loss? Sign. Me. Up. I was excited to dig in.

Overall, I enjoyed the characters, and the story, but as I read two things became glaringly obvious: 1) Most of the time I had no idea what was going on; and 2) this book is remarkably religious. I can’t say it was a bad book, it just wasn’t what I thought it would be. The writing is beautiful and descriptive, and it’s obvious that the author is a gifted wordsmith.

The premise that you shouldn’t wish upon a falling star intrigued me and the memory loss/time travel kept me reading until the end. I was a little put off by the religious themes, but I can look past that if it’s not in your face constantly. Near the end of the book, it was pretty in your face. I might have rolled my eyes a couple of times at the use of “The Father of Lights”, and “my invisible friend”. Again, nothing to fault the author, I am just not the target market for that type of plot.

I enjoyed all the characters, and boy there were A LOT of them. Dovie, Silas, Nigel, Uncle Ethan, Michael, Jordin, Caz, Connie, Rose, Oliver the Cat, Thad, Arthur, Todd, “the orchestra”, and several parents are mentioned but we never meet. They were all endearing, well thought out, and likable, but man it was hard keeping everyone straight. Add in the time travel, story jumping due to memory loss, & religious references, and my brain was mush.

All-in-all it was a solid 2.5-star read (rounded up to 3 for Goodreads). Unique ideas & execution, likable characters, and enough mystery & suspense to keep it from the DNF pile. I do think someone who enjoys Christian fantasy, or religious themes in general would like this much more than I did.

Unfortunately, with this one, I was once again reminded why you shouldn’t always judge a book by its cover.

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Once Upon a Broken Heart | Stephanie Garber

Posted 01/25/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Once Upon a Broken Heart | Stephanie Garber
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 1 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Once Upon a Broken Heart #1
Published by Flatiron Books on 09/28/2021
Format: Kindle (416 pages)
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I started OUABH immediately after finishing Finale, and I’m glad I did. I was not a huge fan of Jacks at the end of Finale, but I was very curious about what would happen to him. Where will he go, how will he cope, what hijinks will he get up to? I needed to know more. For a general timeline, the first 1/4 of OUABH overlaps the last 3/4 of Finale. In true Stephanie Garber fashion, OUABH sucked me right back into the wonderful world she created in Caraval. I thoroughly enjoyed being thrust back into that world […]

Finale | Stephanie Garber

Posted 01/21/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Finale | Stephanie Garber
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 1 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Caraval #3
Published by Flatiron Books on 05/07/2019
Format: Kindle (416 pages)
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It’s over & I want more. Stephanie Garber is a master of descriptive writing. I was constantly blown away by how real everything was in my mind. I always had vivid pictures in my mind of how the fabric of the dresses felt, how the city of Valenda looked, & even how the character’s signature scents smelled. Reading one of her books is a fully immersive experience, & I LOVE IT. Finale was less magical game where you can’t tell the difference between illusion & reality, & more rounding out of the character’s storylines. Every single one of […]

Legendary | Stephanie Garber

Posted 01/18/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Legendary | Stephanie Garber
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 1 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Caraval #2
Published by Flatiron Books on 05/29/2018
Format: Kindle (416 pages)
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The first book follows Scarlett as she plays the game & tries to save her sister, Tess. On the way she falls in love with Julian, learns who she is, what she wants, & what she’s capable of. This book follows Tess as she plays the game & tries to save their mother, Paloma. Dante helps her along the way & of course, they fall in love. Sounds like the first book, but trust me, it’s very different. And Dante. Oh Dante, you sexy, tattooed, secretive, morally grey, beefcake. Your conflicted, brooding & brilliant character arc made this […]

Caraval | Stephanie Garber

Posted 01/14/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Caraval | Stephanie Garber
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 1 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Caraval #1
Published by Flatiron Books on 01/31/2017
Format: Kindle (407 pages)
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This was a “stay up until 4am because I couldn’t put it down” book. I absolutely loved it! Think Cirque du Soleil meets “The Night Circus” with a splash of “Alice in Wonderland”; but make it dark & a little twisted. UGH!!! So, so, so, so good! I didn’t know this series was a prequel to the “Once Upon a Broken Heart” series. I started to tuck into OUABH, and something made me stop 2 pages in & look online to see if I should read Caraval first. Everything I could find (while avoiding spoilers) said yes, read […]

Ruthless Vows | Rebecca Ross

Posted 01/11/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Ruthless Vows | Rebecca Ross
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 1.5 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Letters of Enchantment #2
Published by Wednesday Books on 12/26/2023
Format: Kindle (419 pages)
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While I loved this book equally as much as Divine Rivals, it was very different. The story was less Winnow/Kitt romance, & more Dacre/Enva war story. Roman & Iris spent much of the book apart. Roman acting as Dacre’s war correspondent; Iris trying to find him. Making contact through wardrobe letters, slowly reconnecting, gaining trust; trying to get Roman to remember. Roman falling in love with Iris all over again, regaining his memory & then ultimately having to stay apart so they could work together to end the war. The few precious moments they had together were electric, […]

Divine Rivals | Rebecca Ross

Posted 01/07/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Divine Rivals | Rebecca Ross
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 1.5 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Letters of Enchantment #1
Published by Wednesday Books on 04/04/2023
Format: Kindle (368 pages)
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My heart hurts & I am unwell. I don’t even know where to start. The short of it: Divine rivals is one of the most beautifully written books I have ever read. It was sublime. Transcendent. Positively divine. (IYKYK) I held off on reading Divine Rivals until the duology was complete. On the one hand, I’m very glad I did. Being able to tuck into Ruthless Vows immediately after was (no doubt) imperative to my sanity & mental health. On the other, OH MY GOD, I should have read this book the day it came out. I feel […]