Genre: Romantic Comedy

Starstruck | Ivy Dawes

Posted 05/02/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Starstruck | Ivy Dawes
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Series: Starlight Studios #1
Published by Flower & Bear Books on 05/21/2024
Format: DRC (328 pages)
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Overall, this was a fantastic little love story. Kat and James were adorable together, and although I typically dislike a third-act breakup, the writing of this one was superb. It’s not a breakup as much as a “we need to work on ourselves independently before this relationship can work” situation. It’s much better than miscommunication or, even worse, not communicating at all. Kat and James approached challenges maturely and made relationship choices that set a solid foundation for the future. It was a breath of fresh air to read a romance novel featuring a “healthy” couple, as opposed […]

For the Plot | Katie Van Brunt

Posted 04/21/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
For the Plot | Katie Van Brunt
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 5 Flames
Series: All for Love #1
Published by Independent Publisher on 03/15/2024
Format: Kindle (400 pages)
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For the Plot is a deliciously spicy, star-crossed lover, second chance rom-com. It’s filled with so many tropes—one bed & he falls first & forced proximity, OH MY!—and it ticked absolutely every one of my boxes. Joey and Cam are amazing together and watching them dance around their feelings for each other was just, chef’s kiss. And the setting—Greece—you couldn’t ask for a more romantic backdrop.  Katie Van Brunt has written a book filled with comedy, heart, healthy relationship goals, and a whole lot of spice. She also touches on some difficult topics and traverses them with grace and empathy. Joey’s […]

The Love of My Afterlife | Kirsty Greenwood

Posted 04/14/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Love of My Afterlife | Kirsty Greenwood
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 3.5 Flames
Published by Berkley on 07/02/2024
Format: DRC (384 pages)
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Delphie Denise Bookham is dead. She never thought choking would lead to her demise, but here she is—done in by a cheap microwave hamburger. And to make matters worse? She’s dressed in her most atrocious pajamas—green fuzzy socks and a ratty t-shirt with a cartoon star saying, “Honey, it’s Time to Sparkle and Shine!” Things can’t get much worse, can they? Oh, they most certainly can. You see, Delphie is all alone (let’s be honest, she’s preferred it that way until this whole choking thing); she’s got The Tinder Swindler paused on her TV, and the lone browser tab she […]