Genre: Romantasy

Apprentice to the Villain | Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Posted 09/08/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Apprentice to the Villain | Hannah Nicole MaehrerApprentice to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
Star Rating: 4.5 Stars
Spice Level: 1 Flames
Series: Assistant and the Villain #2
Also in this series: Assistant to the Villain
Published by Red Tower Books on 08/06/2024
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, Romantasy, Romantic Comedy
Format: Kindle (436 pages)
Source: Purchased
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NOTICE TO STAFF: There has been a disturbing increase in cheeriness, sprightly behavior, and overall optimism of late. Please resume your former dark, ominous terrors at your earliest convenience. ā€” Mgmt

Evie Sage has never been happier to be the assistant to The Villain. Who would have thought that working for an outrageously handsome (shhh, bad for his brand) evil overlord would be so rewarding? Still, the business of being bad is demanding, the forces of good are annoyingly persistent, and said forbidding boss is somewhatā€¦er, out-of-evil-office.

But Rennedawn is in grave trouble, and all signsā€”Kingsleyā€™s includedā€”point to catastrophe. Something peculiar is happening with the kingdomā€™s magic, and itā€™s made The Villainā€™s manor vulnerable to their enemies...including their nemesis, the king.

Now itā€™s time for Evie to face her greatest challenge: protecting The Villainā€™s lair, all of his nefarious works, and maybe (provided no one finds out) the entire kingdom. No pressure, Evie.

Itā€™s time to step out of her comfort zone and learn new skills. Like treason. Dagger work. Conspiring with the enemy. Itā€™s all soā€¦soā€¦delightfully fun.

But what happens when the assistant to The Villain is ready to become his apprentice?

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The Hunted Heir | Holly Renee

Posted 09/01/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Hunted Heir | Holly Renee
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Series: The Veiled Kingdom #2
Published by Independent Publisher on 08/20/2024
Format: DRC (364 pages)
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The Hunted HeirĀ dives straight into the action, picking up where the jaw-dropping cliffhanger ending of The Veiled Kingdom left offā€”damn you, Dacre. The pulse-pounding adventure and sizzling romance will leave you breathless, furiously turning pages, and staying up way past your bedtime. And speaking of romanceā€”buckle up, baby, because you are in for one hell of a ride. Verena is on the run once more. Barely escaping the hidden city and Dacre’s stunning betrayalā€”which still lingers like an open woundā€”she must alone navigate Marmoris’ treacherous landscape. Her true identity as the princess is no longer a secret; the […]

The Love of My Afterlife | Kirsty Greenwood

Posted 04/14/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Love of My Afterlife | Kirsty Greenwood
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 3.5 Flames
Published by Berkley on 07/02/2024
Format: DRC (384 pages)
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Delphie Denise Bookham is dead. She never thought choking would lead to her demise, but here she isā€”done in by a cheap microwave hamburger. And to make matters worse? Sheā€™s dressed in her most atrocious pajamasā€”green fuzzy socks and a ratty t-shirt with a cartoon star saying, ā€œHoney, itā€™s Time to Sparkle and Shine!ā€ Things canā€™t get much worse, can they? Oh, they most certainly can. You see, Delphie is all alone (letā€™s be honest, sheā€™s preferred it that way until this whole choking thing); sheā€™s got The Tinder Swindler paused on her TV, and the lone browser tab she […]

The Undermining of Twyla and Frank | Megan Bannen

Posted 04/07/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Undermining of Twyla and Frank | Megan Bannen
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 3 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Hart and Mercy #2
Published by Orbit on 07/02/2024
Format: DRC (464 pages)
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Did I drop everything to read this book the second I was approved for the ARC? Yes, yes, I did. Did I lose countless hours of sleep finishing it faster than I should? Also, yes. Did I enjoy every single second of this story? 100% YES!  The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy was hands down my favorite read of 2023. Hart and Mercy destroyed my heart, put the shattered pieces back together better than before, and then lovingly wrapped me in the softest blanket while handing me a mug of hot cocoa. When I saw ā€˜The Undermining of […]

The Veiled Kingdom | Holly Renee

Posted 03/31/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Veiled Kingdom | Holly Renee
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 3 Flames
Series: The Veiled Kingdom #1
Published by Independent Publisher on 03/19/2024
Format: Kindle (364 pages)
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The Kingdom of Mamoris is ruled by an evil king who covets magic and power. His firstborn and only child, Princess Verena, is the sole heir to Mamorisā€™ throne. But, despite the kingā€™s many, and often abusive, attempts to draw out Verenaā€™s magic, she remains powerless. When Verena turns ten and is still without magic, the king refuses to acknowledge her as his heir and locks her in one of the castle’s towers because a kingdom cannot be ruled without significant power. After many failed attempts at producing a worthy heir, the queen (Verenaā€™s beloved mother) dies in […]

Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands | Heather Fawcett

Posted 02/29/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands | Heather Fawcett
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 2 Flames
Series: Emily Wilde #2
Published by Del Rey on 01/16/2024
Format: Kindle (340 pages)
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Heather Fawcett has done it again. She successfully created a new fantasy wonderland filled with Fae, both deadly and delightful, and then sent Emily and Wendell on a quest that kept me turning pages until the wee hours of the morning.Ā One of the things I enjoyed most about the first book was the way the story was told in a journal-like format. Thankfully not much has changed, and we still get to experience the story through Emilyā€™s detailed journal entries. The events of this book take place about a year after the end of book 1. Emily is […]

Bride | Ali Hazelwood

Posted 02/18/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Bride | Ali Hazelwood
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Published by Berkley on 02/06/2024
Format: Kindle (410 pages)
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All of Ali Hazelwoodā€™s books follow pretty much the same formula. A smart, sassy, accomplished woman with some much-deserved baggage is forced to spend time with an equally smart, slightly grumpy, golden retriever of a man with baggage of his own. They are both, naturally, very easy on the eyes. Mix together a hefty helping of witty banter, some complicated feelings, a dash of angsty longing, and lots of sexual tension until you get a couple that finally realizes they are in love. Sexy time ensues. Introduce a small conflict or misunderstanding, have a brief yet terrible third-act […]