Genre: Magical Realism

Always Carry Your Scythe | Pip Paisley

Posted 08/01/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Always Carry Your Scythe | Pip PaisleyAlways Carry Your Scythe by Pip Paisley
Star Rating: 3.5 Stars
Spice Level: 0 Flames
Published by Independent Publisher on 09/30/2023
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, Magical Realism
Format: Kindle (230 pages)
Source: Purchased
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Trixie D’Vita didn’t scythe. That was Mom’s gig.

Then the Angel Investigative Bureau (AIB) turned up at Aunt Harry’s bar. Seemed the hottest afterlife gameshow in the Mystical Realms was misappropriating newly-departed souls. And Death was a person of interest. When the AIB can’t find Death, they come looking for Trixie, Death’s estranged daughter.

Soon Trixie's best friend is in dire peril. An AIB trainee is traipsing towards trouble. And Trixie, armed with nothing but a pocket-scythe, is plunging headfirst into the gaping maw of a trans-dimensional vortex. So not the evening she’d planned.

Skittle-colored demons. Werewolf drag queens. Hellhound-doodle puppies. Lots of scythe. All in this rollicking, whimsical, empowering adventure.

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The Love of My Afterlife | Kirsty Greenwood

Posted 04/14/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Love of My Afterlife | Kirsty Greenwood
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 3.5 Flames
Published by Berkley on 07/02/2024
Format: DRC (384 pages)
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Delphie Denise Bookham is dead. She never thought choking would lead to her demise, but here she is—done in by a cheap microwave hamburger. And to make matters worse? She’s dressed in her most atrocious pajamas—green fuzzy socks and a ratty t-shirt with a cartoon star saying, “Honey, it’s Time to Sparkle and Shine!” Things can’t get much worse, can they? Oh, they most certainly can. You see, Delphie is all alone (let’s be honest, she’s preferred it that way until this whole choking thing); she’s got The Tinder Swindler paused on her TV, and the lone browser tab she […]

Eternal, Everywhere, With You | Sherry Rossman

Posted 02/11/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Eternal, Everywhere, With You | Sherry Rossman
Star Rating: 2.5 Stars
Spice Level: 0 Flames
Published by Darwin House on 02/04/2024
Format: DRC (245 pages)
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I have to say, I was immediately attracted to the cover of this book. It is absolutely gorgeous. I would hang that sucker on my wall in a heartbeat and call it art. 10/10 cover. Then I read the synopsis, and it sucked me in further. Totally sealed the deal. Time travel, romance, mystery, fantasy & memory loss? Sign. Me. Up. I was excited to dig in. Overall, I enjoyed the characters, and the story, but as I read two things became glaringly obvious: 1) Most of the time I had no idea what was going on; and […]