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I Just Want To Be Yours | Heather Garvin

Posted 09/12/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

I Just Want To Be Yours | Heather GarvinI Just Want To Be Yours by Heather Garvin
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Just Yours #2
Also in this series: Just Don't Call Me Yours
Published by Tuskan Publishing on 09/20/2024
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Format: DRC (370 pages)
Source: BookFunnel
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Overcoming it all to hit the perfect note.

All of Jackson Phillipsā€™ dreams are coming true. His band is finally getting the recognition it deserves, heā€™s spending the summer with his best friend, and he canā€™t get enough of his gorgeous girlfriend.

But everything is about to change when American Thieves goes on tour.

Margot Reid may be excited about her classes and her new job at a local magazine, but she dreads Jackson leaving. Sheā€™s gotten used to waking up to him in her bed, and now heā€™ll be in a new city every night, surrounded by adoring fans.

With equally hectic schedules and the growing distance between them, Jackson and Margot navigate juggling their aspirations while still holding onto the one thing that makes them happier than anything else, each other.

As they learn to balance following their dreams and true love, the two are faced with an undeniable question. If forced to make a choice, would they choose each other?

āœØ Thank you to Tuskan Publishing, BookFunnel, and of course, Heather Garvin for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. āœØ

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Those Two Words | Ronnie Mathews

Posted 09/05/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Those Two Words | Ronnie Mathews
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Sutton Bay #1
Published by Independent Publisher on 08/22/2024
Format: DRC (363 pages)
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This book wasĀ TOO. GOOD. Now, Iā€™m sure youā€™re wondering, ā€˜Hilarye, is that even possible?ā€™ Oh yes, my friend, it is. This book is meeting your soulmate and feeling seen for the first time good. Itā€™s slipping into a pair of jeans that makes your ass look fantastic and taking a sip of a perfectly made iced coffee good. Itā€™s drinking wine, eating cheese, and laughing until you cry with your best friend good. And itā€™s evenĀ (wait for it)Ā snuggling a pile of kittens good. Yup, kittensā€”this book isĀ THATĀ good.Ā  The story begins with Patrick and Johanna, childhood best friends who […]

The Undermining of Twyla and Frank | Megan Bannen

Posted 04/07/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Undermining of Twyla and Frank | Megan Bannen
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 3 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Hart and Mercy #2
Published by Orbit on 07/02/2024
Format: DRC (464 pages)
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Did I drop everything to read this book the second I was approved for the ARC? Yes, yes, I did. Did I lose countless hours of sleep finishing it faster than I should? Also, yes. Did I enjoy every single second of this story? 100% YES!  The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy was hands down my favorite read of 2023. Hart and Mercy destroyed my heart, put the shattered pieces back together better than before, and then lovingly wrapped me in the softest blanket while handing me a mug of hot cocoa. When I saw ā€˜The Undermining of […]

Just Don’t Call Me Yours | Heather Garvin

Posted 03/14/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Just Don’t Call Me Yours | Heather Garvin
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 3.5 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Just Yours #1
Published by Tuskan Publishing on 03/15/2024
Format: DRC (315 pages)
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Well, color me shocked. I didn’t think I liked the rockstar romance trope, but apparently, I was very, VERY wrong.  Jackson Phillips may come off as a sarcastic, uncaring, rockstar playboy, but deep down, he’s a loyal, loving, tender-hearted teddy bear. And he loves to play the guitarā€”like, a lot. All Jackson wants is to be in a band and go on tour. However, Jackson’s dad thinks he’d be throwing his life away and vehemently disapproves of Jackson’s musical dreams. So Jackson is begrudgingly attending his first semester at the University of South Florida with his best friend, Matt. But […]