Rating System

My reviews are 100% my honest opinion. A review copy does not equate to a positive review.
Half stars and flames are given for in-between ratings.

Star Ratings

Did Not Finish
I don’t quit on many books, but when I do, it’s usually really, REALLY bad.

Didn’t Like It
I struggled to finish but took one for the team.

It Was Okay
It wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t good. I wouldn’t recommend it, but it probably had some redeeming qualities.

Liked It
Didn’t blow me away but was enjoyable. 3-star books are ones that I enjoy reading, but they don’t leave a lasting impression.

Really Liked It
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and may read it again.

Bookshelf trophy books. Hardback or special edition copy-worthy reads. Books I will 100% read again and again.

Flame Ratings

No Spice
Not even a kiss. No romance.

No sexual content. Meaningful glances and perhaps a kiss, but no sex on and off the page.

Behind Closed Doors
At least one intimate scene occurs but without the reader present. Fade-to-Black.

Open Door
At least one intimate scene with the reader present, euphemistic language for the act and body parts. Mild to medium spicy content.

Explicit Open Door
At least two intimate scenes, explicit language with a variety of sexual acts. Explicit content.

Explicit & Plentiful
Several explicit scenes, and a variety of adventurous acts. Overtly sexual content.