A Deal with the Bossy Devil | Kyra Parsi

Posted 06/20/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

A Deal with the Bossy Devil | Kyra ParsiA Deal with the Bossy Devil by Kyra Parsi
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Series: Bad Billionaire Bosses #1
Also in this series: Failure to Match
Published by Independent Publisher on 07/02/2024
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Format: Kindle (434 pages)
Source: Purchased
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Vengeance (noun): Punishment served by an arrogant, insufferable billionaire who’s hellbent on making you suffer over a teeny, tiny, seven-hundred-million-dollar oopsie.

I regret nothing.

Okay, maybe I regret some things.
In my defense, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t get caught.
Also in my defense, I had no way of knowing that “The Incident” would go viral.

But Toronto’s most notorious billionaire isn’t exactly known for his generous or understanding spirit, and he doesn’t want to hear my excuses.
Not when my little public stunt cost him the biggest investment deal of his career.

What he does want is cold, hard revenge.
And that’s how I find myself backed into a corner, forced to strike a deal with the snarly, green-eyed devil.
I have no choice but to be at his beck and call 24 hours a day, succumbing to his every bossy whim.
But as his demands—and the blistering tension—become increasingly unbearable, I can’t help but start to bite back.

Adrien Cloutier isn’t a man to be messed with, though.
And as the old saying goes, bad girls deserve to be punished.

Written review coming soon…

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