Things We’ve Lost and Found | Ally Williams

Posted 05/19/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Things We’ve Lost and Found | Ally WilliamsThings We've Lost and Found by Ally Williams
Star Rating: 3.5 Stars
Spice Level: 5 Flames
Series: Love and City Lights #1
Published by Independent Publisher on 12/15/2023
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Format: Kindle (370 pages)
Source: Purchased
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One broken down elevator. A deal between “friends.” A sweeping love that can no longer be denied.

I’ve been cheated on three times, and I am done with men.

So when my elevator breaks down on my way to a job interview that will finally get me out of the same office as my unfaithful ex, I refuse to think of the handsome stranger next to me as a possibility. Even though that triangle of skin where his tie should be makes me sweat.

When Charles Sinclair seeks me out to return a hair bow I lost in my mad dash to my interview, he makes me an offer I can’t refuse. No strings. No feelings. No pain.

But as our little arrangement intensifies, we start relying on each other, confiding in one other.

Our deal was supposed to be honest, stress-free fun.

If I tell him how I feel, he’ll end things. If I don’t, I’ll be lying to him.

He was clear with me from the beginning, that between work and caring for his ailing mother, he doesn’t have the time for something more. Yet he’s proven to me time and time again that he’ll show up for me. He’ll listen when I need to talk. Hold me when I need touch. And not once has he lied to me.

He’s scared of love leaving him heartbroken.

But what he doesn’t seem to realize is that we’re already in deep.

Written review coming soon…

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