Month: September 2024

Camera Chemistry | Chelsea Curto

Posted 09/29/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Camera Chemistry | Chelsea CurtoCamera Chemistry by Chelsea Curto
Star Rating: 3.5 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Series: Love through a Lens #1
Also in this series: Caught on Camera, Behind the Camera
Published by Independent Publisher on 02/14/2023
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Format: Kindle (182 pages)
Source: Purchased
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When I agree to help my best friend with a photo shoot involving a stranger, I donā€™t expect to hit it off with the guy posing in the photos with me. Somehow, I do.

Thereā€™s an undeniable heat between us, and electric energy surges through my veins whenever he touches me. When he invites me back to his place for a one-night stand after we finish the shoot, I donā€™t even hesitate.

Heā€™s attentive, funny, sweet and kind. And his mouth is downright filthy, hearing my fantasies and delivering on every one. Itā€™s only twenty-four hours, no strings attached. Thatā€™s it. Except thereā€™s one tiny problem; he makes me feel more alive than I have in my entire life.

I canā€™t stop thinking about him, and Iā€™m wondering if heā€™s thinking about me, too. I try to tell myself itā€™s just camera chemistry. Adrenaline from a fun photography session, not actual attraction. Thereā€™s no way men like this exist in real life, is there? If so, Aiden Wood is the blueprint, and Iā€™m the sucker whoā€™s desperate for more of him. One night wasnā€™t enough.

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Those Two Words | Ronnie Mathews

Posted 09/05/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
Those Two Words | Ronnie Mathews
Star Rating: 5 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
All-Time Favorite
Series: Sutton Bay #1
Published by Independent Publisher on 08/22/2024
Format: DRC (363 pages)
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This book wasĀ TOO. GOOD. Now, Iā€™m sure youā€™re wondering, ā€˜Hilarye, is that even possible?ā€™ Oh yes, my friend, it is. This book is meeting your soulmate and feeling seen for the first time good. Itā€™s slipping into a pair of jeans that makes your ass look fantastic and taking a sip of a perfectly made iced coffee good. Itā€™s drinking wine, eating cheese, and laughing until you cry with your best friend good. And itā€™s evenĀ (wait for it)Ā snuggling a pile of kittens good. Yup, kittensā€”this book isĀ THATĀ good.Ā  The story begins with Patrick and Johanna, childhood best friends who […]

The Hunted Heir | Holly Renee

Posted 09/01/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments
The Hunted Heir | Holly Renee
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Series: The Veiled Kingdom #2
Published by Independent Publisher on 08/20/2024
Format: DRC (364 pages)
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The Hunted HeirĀ dives straight into the action, picking up where the jaw-dropping cliffhanger ending of The Veiled Kingdom left offā€”damn you, Dacre. The pulse-pounding adventure and sizzling romance will leave you breathless, furiously turning pages, and staying up way past your bedtime. And speaking of romanceā€”buckle up, baby, because you are in for one hell of a ride. Verena is on the run once more. Barely escaping the hidden city and Dacre’s stunning betrayalā€”which still lingers like an open woundā€”she must alone navigate Marmoris’ treacherous landscape. Her true identity as the princess is no longer a secret; the […]