Idol | Kristen Callihan

Posted 07/18/2024 by Hilarye in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Idol | Kristen CallihanIdol by Kristen Callihan
Star Rating: 3.5 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Series: VIP #1
Also in this series: Managed, Fall, Exposed
Published by Plane Jane Books on 06/07/2016
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Format: Kindle (339 pages)
Source: Purchased
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I found Killian drunk and sprawled out on my lawn like some lost prince. With the face of a god and the arrogance to match, the pest won’t leave. Sexy, charming, and just a little bit dirty, he’s slowly wearing me down, making me crave more.

He could be mine if I dare to claim him. Problem is, the world thinks he’s theirs. How do you keep an idol when everyone is intent on taking him away?

As lead singer for the biggest rock band in the world, I lived a life of dreams. It all fell apart with one fateful decision. Now everything is in shambles.

Until Liberty. She’s grouchy, a recluse —and kind of cute. Scratch that. When I get my hands on her, she is scorching hot and more addictive than all the fans who’ve screamed my name.

The world is clamoring for me to get back on stage, but I’m not willing to leave her. I’ve got to find a way to coax the hermit from her shell and keep her with me. Because, with Libby, everything has changed. Everything.

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