Love at a Funeral and Other Awkward Conversations | Sophie Andrews

Posted 04/28/2024 by Hilarye in ARC Review, Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Love at a Funeral and Other Awkward Conversations | Sophie AndrewsLove at a Funeral and Other Awkward Conversations | Sophie Andrews by Sophie Andrews
Star Rating: 4 Stars
Spice Level: 4 Flames
Published by Independent Publisher on 05/31/2024
Genres: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Women’s Fiction
Format: DRC (342 pages)
Source: NetGalley
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Death is an awkward matchmaker…

When my brother suddenly passes away, shattering my family, I’m left to pick up the pieces.

Then Vince Mancini knocks on my door. My brother’s best friend from high school—and the boy I loved—is a funeral director, and he promises to answer whenever I call.

With his steadfast nature and warm smile, he becomes the anchor in the storm, willing to hold me up as everything falls at my feet. He sees through all my bluster, and it’s easy to remember why I’d hung on his every word when I was younger.

Now, he thinks he can fix me, even though there’s a lump of clay where my heart used to be.

Which makes the fluttering in my chest all the more disconcerting. And this hurt? It’s too much too soon.

✨ Thank you to Independent Publisher, NetGalley, and of course, Sophie Andrews for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. ✨

Written review coming soon…

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